July 14, 2010


Hey everyone!
Let me just start off by saying that this is one of the hardest posts I've ever had to make. Nothing to do with the art, or story or anything like that. But basically, due to the fact that I have to step away from Rex Bunyan for a while. :(

So, what does this mean? Simply put, this will be one LOOONG cliffhanger! Essentially, with my recent job situations, or lack thereof, I am forced to put my time and energy into other things, and so, as much as I hate to say it... sadly, Rex has to take a nap for a while.

Now, I'm not writing off Rex all together... no way! The plan is to focus on the things that I need to and hopefully in time I'll come back and finish this story, print it into a graphic novel, make some toys, turn it into a television series, etc etc.

Until then, I'll be putting all my efforts into finding work and any of my free time will focus on my graphic novel series, AGENT ORANGE. So hopefully, all of you devoted friends, family and fans we keep tabs on what is going there! I'm really excited about some things that are happening with AO, so please keep checking in and following me on MY BLOG! And who knows, the success that may come from Agent Orange might help Rex get some future recognition!

I'll definitely try to keep posting the occasional Rex holiday sketches, and the Facebook page will remain so that when the time comes, all you devoted fans will be made known what's going on. Also, a HUGE thank you goes to my friend Mike Valiquette and his Canadian Animation Resources site for always posting my Rex comics. Hopefully, I can start posting pages of my Agent Orange comic and he'll post those on his site!! Thanks Mike!

So from me to you... a heart felt thank you for all of your love and support on this labour of love that is Rex Bunyan. It's been a blast. See you soon Rexington.

...after all, we can't just leave him in space now can we?! :)


July 5, 2010


Hope everyone had a great long weekend! It's already July! Wow. Where does the time go?!

July 1, 2010

Many a thanks to all those wonderfully creative Canadians out there who have invented all the wonderful things that we now enjoy! Keep em comin!
...well, except for the Beaver. God created that one! Actually... HE invented Canada!! Thanks God!

June 30, 2010


I've always thought it would be such a strange feeling to wake up in a completely different place... mostly a hospital room where obviously something bad had happened to you!
Thankfully, I've never experienced this.

June 21, 2010


This is one of those situations that I'm finding that I have more often with my daughter these days. "Here, try this, it's so yummy!" "no, it's gross!" "but you've never even tasted it" More often than not, we determine the taste by the look! Who knows, Glorftrop could be delicious!

June 15, 2010


Late again. I'm beginning to think I'm starting a bad habit of late postings!! I'm working hard at rectifying that problem though, don't you worry!
That said, Rex is now waking up out of his tranquillized slumber into a whole new world... yet he just can't let go of some earthly hungers!

June 6, 2010


And so it begins.
... as if you didn't think it was getting strange enough already!!

June 2, 2010


Wow!... so I'm going to be completely honest by telling you all, that I completely forgot about Rex on Monday! That's a first ever! I usually remember but just struggle to find the time to get it done. But this time I must have had so much on my mind that I didn't remember at all. The mind can be a very strange thing indeed!! Thanks for hangin' in there everyone!

May 24, 2010


I figured we hadn't seen these two in a while, and I thought it might be mildly funny to have them watching as all of this craziness went on.

Also, just to back up a few of weeks, I wanted to thank everyone who came out to TCAF and showed their love and support to The Anthology Project. If you haven't picked up your copy yet, you still can! I also wanted to thank my friend Karl for giving me a great sketch in his fantastically beautiful book, The Abominable Charles Christopher. If you haven't picked up that book either, I highly encourage you to!

May 17, 2010


Finally getting things back on some sort of regular schedule.
Life for Rex is about to take a drastic change of direction... as if you didn't think it was getting strange already!! Thanks for all your continual comments and great support!

May 10, 2010


Still trying to get back onto a regular routine after the past week. Seems like these are turning into Monday evening postings. Not to worry though, I'll get it back to the good ol' morning postings soon enough.

May 4, 2010


I apologize to all of you devoted Rex fans out there for this day late posting. There was a family emergency that obviously took priority over Mr. Bunyan. Everything is somewhat ok now I suppose. I think this is actually the first day late posting since I started this comic! Not bad I guess.
It probably didn't help that it's a little late due to the fact that this week is a two page spread which involves Rex going over his visitors wild tale. You can also see a little bit of Rex's inner sarcasm starting to seep out.
Hope all is well with you all. Thanks a ton for your constant support! And speaking of which, make sure you head on over to Canadian Animation Resources and seriously consider contributing to their fund raiser. ...After all, they're a huge supporter of Mr. Bunyan!

April 26, 2010


Some heavy reading for today! This will probably meet my quota for amount of confusing words used for the next few months. ...but don't count on it. I figured there will be a lot of explaining to do over then next couple of pages, as Rex is very easily confused.

April 18, 2010


I'm starting to get into the swing of things with working from home. I used to have to commute to Toronto everyday which in total would take up about 3 hours or more of my day, there and back. So now, I can use those hours more productively! Namely, taking a little more time to do these Rex pages. Needless to say, I'm very pleased with the blessing of being able to work from home. It takes a very different kind of discipline, but I feel way more productive. Not to mention the extra time I get to spend with my family now! So good.

April 12, 2010


Sorry for the late posting today folks... I know you're somewhat used to these going up earlier in the day, but I've just started working from home so I'm trying to figure out my new schedule and rearranging the timing of things.

April 4, 2010


I perceive that in the next little while there are going to be a LOT of questions raised. ...by all you folks out there as well as Rex! But I promise you, they will all be answered, in time. And I think that some of the answers won't be what you were expecting!!

March 28, 2010


And so it begins!
I told you things were about to get interesting, didn't I?! Don't worry though, not even Rex has any idea of how crazy things are about to really get!!!

March 21, 2010


And so it begins. "What begins Rawls?!" What, you say? Well, you're about to find out my friends! Stay tuned!

Quite often things aren't sent our way until our inner most soul and determination is fixed on succeeding, no matter the cost or effort we must put in! This is the feeling that I myself and I hope others, would try to have in their hearts all the time! The choice is ours, 'bitter, or better'! Like it or not, we as individuals must eventually make that change.

March 15, 2010


So... no comments from anyone on that last page! I guess that's the last time I do any fart jokes!! I'll try and save myself by bringing in everyone's favourite pigeons and having them kick Rex while he's down.

Also, a long overdue shout out and thanks to my good friend Mike over at Canadian Animation Resources for always posting my Rex comics on his site! You're the man Mike!

March 7, 2010


Now, I know that there must be some individuals out there that don't find this kind of humor funny, and if those people do exist, they are few and far between... because really, come on... who hasn't in their life had a hearty laugh at some kind of personal gas expulsion or fart joke. I bet you any money that even the queen of England has a little chuckle now and then when she toots.

March 1, 2010


Typically, the award for creating the most awkward situations goes to our Mothers, or some other family member, because they are usually the first ones to show those embarrassing photos to our friends or significant others. I tell ya, you really feel for a moment that your relationship is at an end when your mom show's your girlfriend a photo of you when you were little and in the bath, or when you dressed up one day in a fancy summer dress and hat!
...not that I did that or anything!...
In Rex's case though, he is quite capable of embarrassing himself to the point of feeling ill, all on his own.

February 21, 2010


Rex is just not good around the opposite sex, it's as simple as that. Especially when that person just happens to be Katie's mom. She turns Rex into a drooling monster.... well, more so than usual that is. I'm sure we've all felt this way at some point in our lives.

February 15, 2010


Greetings all! Welcome to the brand new look for the Rex Bunyan comics!!
I've made the creative decision to now do my weekly Rex comics in actual comic book page format and not the typical "Sunday comic strip" web format style.
I shall explain the method to my madness.
I've seen it done elsewhere and it has inspired me to do the same. Once I get enough 'pages', roughly around 150 or so, The Life of Rex Bunyan will go to PRINT! That's right folks, as long as this comic keeps going, and you keep showing the loving support that you have so far and hopefully share this comic with your friends and family, the plan is to turn this humble little web comic into a graphic novel series!!
As much as I love web comics, there is nothing like holding a real book in your hands.
So the format has changed and Rex will now read more like a "comic book" than a "comic strip", but the story will continue to progress as planned and there are a lot of exciting things in store! Including a lot more 'action'!! Which I'm sure some of you will appreciate!
The plan is to also go back to the previous 50 comics that I've done so far and put them into this format. But you won't see those unless you buy the book!!
So many thanks to all of you Bunyan fans for all of your fantastic support. You make this little labour of love worth it for me. All the best.

Note - I apologize for this huge posting, but I needed to inform you all. My wife commented to me, "Is this the novel part of your graphic novel?" I promise this is the most 'wordy' I will get for a while! :)

February 7, 2010


Rex may be a sweet, kind, carefree & loving giant cyclops... but sometimes he's just a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

January 31, 2010


Sometimes when guys get together they can be so heartless in their humor. Not that Rex or Frank totally wouldn't help someone out if they needed it, because they would, but come on... movers get paid for what they do. I mean, I don't go outside and help the garbage man put garbage into his truck do I?! ...even though, it would be mildly cool to pull the lever that crushes all the garbage!

January 24, 2010


Dreams. We all have them.
I believe that sometimes a dream might mean something, and sometimes might mean nothing at all. The one thing that I think we can all agree on is those hazy moments when you wake up in the morning and you try to explain your dream to someone else. It's almost as if you can't quite put into words all the things that went on... either that, or we have a hard time remembering it all!
What are your thoughts?

January 17, 2010


I saw this funny article the other day about this woman who posted on facebook how much she hated her job and her boss. Obviously she didn't remember that she added him as a friend just a few days before. Needless to say, one of the comments to her rant was from her boss... she didn't have to go into work after that.
Often we let our emotions get the better of us... usually to our own embarrassment. Good thing Frank knows that deep down Rex has a big heart. It's in situations like this that we hope for someone to be very forgiving. Hopefully we remember to be that forgiving ourselves!

January 10, 2010


You might not think so, but I believe at some point in every persons life we obtain a nemesis. Now, you might disagree with me on this, but that's because a nemesis isn't always a noticeable one, or even a long term one. You might be one of those who obtains random, short term nemesis' that many times go overlooked.
I'm not really sure which one I'd prefer... Long term you get to know your nemesis better, however, short term offers the benefit of them not sticking around long.
What say you?

January 4, 2010


I felt that it was only right to start the new year off (and comic number 50!) with everyone's two favourite pigeons! And so begins 2010!

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

I hope you all had a fantastic new years celebration!
Many MANY thanks to you all for the support, comments and inspiration that you continually show me and this humble little labour of love called Rex.
I've had SO much positive feedback towards Mr. Bunyan, and there is a LOT of great things planned for this coming year!!! So keep yer eyes out!

Let's all work together to make 2010 an amazingly creative, inspiring and uplifting year!!! Be a little kinder, be a little stronger, be a little more willing to step into areas we may not have ventured before, and be a little more open to those little whisperings that urge us to be a little better.

luv Rawls

December 28, 2009


I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!!
Here is just a taste of what 2010 will have in store for our pal Rexington! Lots of exciting things to come! And a big thanks to all of you who continue to show your love and support for this humble little comic!
Happy New Year everyone!

December 20, 2009


I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and that everyone remembers the reason for the season! Thank you all SO much for all the support towards Rex Bunyan this year. Here's to an eventful and adventurous 2010!! Lots of great things planned for the new year!
This weeks comic is a little break in the story line and it is in honor of the amazing Bill Watterson and all those Calvin and Hobbes snow men comics that we all know and love so much! (See Here & Here)
All the best!

December 13, 2009


I've often had the thought about how a person who might have a spiritual experience such as this, would have all these questions they'd want to ask, but more than likely they would be in such awe that it wouldn't be until the experience is over that they think of what they wanted to say or ask.
Kind of like when you have an argument with someone and it isn't until later when you're not around that person any more that you think of something good to say!

December 6, 2009


We all do Rex!!
Des-ti-ny : The inevitable or necessary future events for a person or thing; fate; fortune; lot
While I am a firm believer that there is a fixed natural purpose and order to the universe and that there are some events that you or I have no control over, but I am also in the understanding that each of us has the agency (freedom) to choose those paths pertaining to our own individual lives, our thoughts and our actions, be it righteous and noble or filthy and destructive.
Of course, Rex's idea would include comics, mass amounts of food and going on a date with Katie's mom!

November 30, 2009


In case you haven't noticed, Rex has a one track mind.... even in the most peculiar circumstances! To some it might seem foolishly naive and childlike, while others might see it as kind-hearted and childlike. With Rex, I think it can go either way.

November 23, 2009


Some of the most interesting moments in life are those times when you wake up in a daze from a strange dream and because it was so vividly real, you find yourself actually asking/wondering... "Did that really happen or did I just dream that?" Needless to say, sometimes there is more to dreams than we may realize.

November 15, 2009


You ever have one of those dreams that is going along so nicely, but something weird happens or something changes at the end and you wake up just feeling awkward?!
I think life is about to get a little strange.. uh, stranger, for ol' Rexy boy.... especially if he keeps eating 19 pizzas before going to bed.

No comments on that last comic by the way... ALL TIME LOW!!!
Does nobody like the pigeons?!?

November 8, 2009


Can anybody say, "foreshadowing?"
I think we can all say we've felt the effects of eating something a little too late before bedtime!

In other Non-Bunyan related news - Agent Orange makes his first printed appearance in Images comics soon to be released Popgun Volume 4! You can head on over to the site for a sneak peek and you can also pre-order the book if you feel so inclined!

November 2, 2009


Our idea of something light to eat before bed and Rex's idea are very different... in price, in content, and in quantity.
Hope everyone had a great October! ...And so begins the decent into the winter months!

October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Aaaand the winner is - Chris Kawagiwa!
Let me tell you though, all you guys and gals didn't make it easy on me!! There was at least 3 others that I really wanted to do! In the end I chose Chris' idea for the utter hilariousness of the eye patch joke! He wins this drawing as well as an additional sketch that I posted on my blog! Congrats Chris and thanks to everyone who put forth their ideas! Be prepared for the next contest soon!
Have a fun and safe Halloween!

October 26, 2009


I find that more often than not when we try to impress others we often just end up looking like a fool... or simply feeling like one... especially when it comes to "khooing" the opposite sex!
It pays to just be yourself.

Also - Halloween is soon upon us! Leave a comment and tell me your suggestions of what you'd like to see Rex dress up as. I will choose either the most suggested or most creative idea and do a special Halloween sketch for this weekend and who's ever idea I choose will have the sketch + an additional drawing sent to them in the mail!

October 18, 2009


Frank knows very well that kids are like sponges and remember everything you tell them... but it made Rex feel better, and that's what friends are for. The only problem with the saying "ignorance is bliss" is that the ignorance part sooner or later comes back to bite you in the butt!

October 12, 2009


Hope everyone has a happy Thankgiving... all you Canadians anyway!
And to all the rest of our friends around the world, celebrating thanksgiving or not, my many thanks for your constant love and support that you show to me and Mr. Bunyan!

October 4, 2009


Admit it... we've all had conversations like this at least once in our lives with our friends.
...well, probably not the "I'll eat you" part, but definitely all of the other stuff.

September 27, 2009


Most of the time Frank tends to be a pessimist while Rex is the childlike optimist. ...But when it comes to dealing with issues of the opposite sex, Frank tends to tell it like it is, like a realist... while Rex just states the obvious road blocks that his giant one eye only sees.

September 20, 2009


You can't keep things like being in love with someone secret for long in a small town... especially when they all seem to be mind readers!

September 13, 2009


I can't stress enough, the importance of remaining grateful and humble is prosperous circumstances. We may think it's tough to be poor and have nothing, but I can honestly say I've never met more humble people than those who struggle for everything they have. The problem with the opposite is that pride sneaks in, ever so quietly, and slowly destroys whatever humility there might have been. ...Until of course, we lose all that we have and are again compelled to be humble. Let's hope Frank and Rex won't have those problems!

September 7, 2009


I'm starting to see a habit forming of having Rex standing speechless with a blank stare. There's something highly entertaining about being in those moments where you feel your stomach turn and no words seem to come out. I'm a huge fan of awkward situations, and Rex definitely puts himself into those quite often.