May 3, 2009


I'm sure we've all had days like this.


Francis said...

yup, gonna feel it soon waiting for my marks to be online. i hope i passed college! lol

Cam Kendell said...

Hahah, yeah... I've been there. Many a time. So, I try and live in the moment and just enjoy whatever I'm doing at the time. Doesn't always work...

okay, it hardly ever works. Guess I need to work on my patience.

RAWLS said...

Francis - hahah... with such an awesome film I'm sure you passed... but just barely!!

Cam - ah patience... a very important virtue indeed. Living in and enjoying the moment is always the best advice!!

Scott Jensen said...

oh i have days like that. at school

Diego Cobo said...

Ha, ha! It´s true! Sometimes I feel the same at work... or in dentist´s room!

Jason Kim said...

Best character EVER. final

RAWLS said...

haha...thanks you guys!!
Scott - yea, definitely school can feel like that!

Diego - or the minutes counting down to actually GO to the dentist!!

J dog - Best comment EVER. Thanks homie!!

TH3DEN said...

This is like my everyday!! :D Specially when i'm waiting for food at a restaurant. :)

RAWLS said...

haha... Very true. I think it can relate to many moments in our lives!

Andreas Schuster said...

today i had the OPPOSITE!
time flew by and i was hanging on to every minute i could get.
BUT that may be due to the fact that i had a day off.
tomorrow, i´m back at the office, hitting F5 in google reader and wasting as much time possible, making coffee for everyone.
Thx for the comic, thx for letting me rant =)

RAWLS said...

hahaha.... any time my friend! I always enjoy your rants!!!

Bradley Cayford said...

I had a day like that last year which lasted all my life. Awesome! should check out these toys..if anyone in the world would love these toys, it has to be 'ol's the linky dink:

RAWLS said...

hahaha... all your life.
Oh, and that link... SO VERY cool!! Thanks Bradaford!