I can't stress enough, the importance of remaining grateful and humble is prosperous circumstances. We may think it's tough to be poor and have nothing, but I can honestly say I've never met more humble people than those who struggle for everything they have. The problem with the opposite is that pride sneaks in, ever so quietly, and slowly destroys whatever humility there might have been. ...Until of course, we lose all that we have and are again compelled to be humble. Let's hope Frank and Rex won't have those problems!
As a college student, it's easy to understand not taking things for granted. I find I appreciate things so much more when I have to work that much harder for them. I really hope that lasts throughout my life. The proud people I've met and known always seem so much unhappier too.
Great life lesson, as always. :)
Thanks for sharing that Arwen! I really appreciate it!!
There goes Frank's plans! This strip reminded me of my poor dad. Hard working person he was. Thank you Darren. XD
You're dad was obviously a good man! Thanks Char!!
This is me at the beguining of every month. We are desperately trying to save to go to Hong Kong next October. Unfortunatly the bills keep getting in the way. current savin status £0.00. Oh, well.
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