November 30, 2009


In case you haven't noticed, Rex has a one track mind.... even in the most peculiar circumstances! To some it might seem foolishly naive and childlike, while others might see it as kind-hearted and childlike. With Rex, I think it can go either way.


Rebekah said...

So, Rex has a one track mind, I might be scared to see a multitasking giant cyclops in an average size world!

RAWLS said...

haha... average for us, but tiny for him!!

David Bernal said...

hahaha! oh I love rex!

Anthony Holden said...

Lemme guess. He gets visited 3 times during the night by the same guy who relates to him the same message, each time adding more detailed information. I'm on to you, Mr. Rawlins.

RAWLS said...

David - Thanks man!

Anthony - Hahahaha!! Nice! To be honest I actually didn't think about that...but now that you mention it!...

Unknown said...

OG I laughed so hard! The second and last panel made me fell outta the chair!!

RAWLS said...

Thanks Char! I love your new profile picture! hahah

Lo said...

Nope, sorry... the really great work is actually to be found HERE!