June 6, 2010


And so it begins.
... as if you didn't think it was getting strange enough already!!


Jay Clay said...

This page reminds me of one of the Death of Superman comics (maybe Action Comics 500, I'll have to dig it out to check). I can sort of recall the part where both Superman and Pa Kent are floating between life and death, and one is calling to the other or something...kinda vague, but it was nearly 20 years ago...I think it's the background that brought back the memory for me......Wow, almost 20 years ago!

Jay Clay said...

Sorry, Turns out it was Adventures of Superman 500, check out the cover....

RAWLS said...

I checked that out Jay, it's different, but I can see how a floating character made you remember it! Good times, good times!

Chris Kawagiwa [Storyboards] said...

He's in cool texture world!--excited to see where this goes :)

Unknown said...

Cool, what happens next?

Cloudface said...

Just caught up. Yeah, I've been reading it...


Unknown said...

Oh well I love this new direction. I've been busy lately so I read all these in a row! PLEASE KEEP THE STRIPS COMING!